Thumbnailer specification and prototype

Why do we need thumbnailing to be a service?

  • For user interface applications it makes relatively few sense to run the task of creating a thumbnail in the same context as the mainloop that draws the user interface. On the other hand if each desktop application starts creating either processes or worker threads that will be armed with thumbnailing code, then we will have a lot of threads and processes all running the same code;
  • Most applications link with a user interface toolkit that will happily deal with the vast majority of pixbuf shaped formats. That doesn’t mean that these toolkits will equally enjoy dealing with PDF, Office and video formats. There’s a lot of code involved here and we should try to avoid requiring everybody to load these complex pieces of code into their processes. I can give a few purely technical reasons like not heaving to map-in code that is not relevant for the application, reducing VmSize (although, admittedly, only things like VmRSS are really important). There are also a few political reasons, like patented formats. In the end I’ll just say it the way it is: it’s a bad architecture;
  • Application developers are really not very interested in developing LIFO queues and worker threads or processes that will handle the task of creating thumbnails;
  • Finally, application developers are asking for this (for example F-Spot). Creating thumbnails is not at all an exclusive task for the filemanager.
  • My proposal

    Based on those conclusions I decided to write a DBus specification. I also reimplemented Maemo’s Hildon Thumbnail to be conform this specification. This work has been merged with the TRUNK of the project and will be used on Maemo‘s Fremantle release.

    While rewriting Hildon Thumbnail I decided to make sure that the software compiles and runs on any normal desktop. This way the software can serve as a proof of concept and working prototype for the DBus specification. Special care was taken to make sure it feels as desktop neutral as possible.

    I opened a bug to officially request a project for this specification. I hope this organization will offer a platform for further development of this DBus specification. Hildon Thumbnailer can serve as a prototype and will be adapted whenever the specification improves.

    Moral indulgence

    In the last few days people seemingly implying a descent from superiority of moral highground to me, have called upon me (in private conversations) to decide for my readers if the content that I write is morally acceptable for Their reasoning is that I should feel an implied responsibility for the content of that website.

    If I don’t take the responsibility that readers have themselves already, I’m to be considered a coward. That’s because, according to these people, I avoid the moral responsibility to uphold an imaginary highground reputation of the organization behind said website.

    It needs no illustration that this is just the opinion of a group within the GNOME community. Not the entire community. Nonetheless this seemingly moral superiority is not to be mistaken with a condescending circus show.

    The moral of respect for other opinions is a meme that for the last decades (and I hope in future too) has been a very successful one. I consider this meme to be the most important one humanity ever got convinced of.

    Moral superiors do not need to present empirical proof of correctness in their Sophia. The truth of their moral values are unquestionable.

    Let’s assume this to be the case: it’s immoral to only assume that your readers will make up their own minds about ideas that appear on websites like Instead, it’s a necessity that each and every author of a blog, from which pulls content, is required to have a “responsibility of content”.

    I conclude that it isn’t necessary that the audience of that website gets an honest illustration of who we are: human beings who are sometimes geniuses and sometimes idiots.

    Instead it’s necessary that we are portrayed as good role models. Concepts such as good and bad are of course defined by the superiors. Those concepts are unquestionable.

    Let me be clear that I disagree with this.

    I questioned whether only intent can either be good or bad, but that question was refuted as irrelevant. For it’s the beholder who matters. Not the producer.

    The reason for this irrelevance being that an audience doesn’t take the responsibility of trying to understand intent. I disagree with this conclusion. I think the audience does understand intent.

    I have decided to tag my future posts as “condescending” in case I feel the content might be interpreted as showing superiority. Don’t be surprised if the majority of posts will be tagged as such.

    The freedom to choose is morally more important to me than the necessity to mark responsible content. Therefore I ask my audience, and planet maintainers, to decide for themselves.

    Here’s a meme: org.freedesktop.Thumbnailer

    People who know me probably saw this blog item coming. Here it is!

    In Tracker we want to ahead of time create thumbnails for interesting files. Among the use cases is when the user has moved or copied photos from his camera into one of the photo folders. We want to start preparing thumbnails for those files early so that filemanagers and photo applications are fast when needed.

    The current infrastructure for this in Tracker is to launch a script for each file that is to be thumbnailed. If you find a lot such files (some people end up with a camera with 1,000ths of photos after a busy weekend), that would mean that we’d do this 1,000 times:


    Luckily this is not activated by default in current Tracker. :-)

    I don’t have to explain most people who read this blog that this is a bad idea on a modest ARM device with a bit more than one hundred MB of RAM. A better idea would be to have a service that queues these requests and that solves the requests with specialized image libraries. Perhaps launching a separate binary for the MIME types that the service has no libraries for?

    At first we were planning to make tracker-thumbnailer listen on stdin in a loop. Then I figured: why not do this over DBus instead? Pretty soon after that was Ivan Frade concluding that if we’d do that, other applications on the device could be interested in consuming that service too. We decided that perhaps we should talk with the right people in the two large desktop communities about the idea of specifying a DBus specification for remotely managing the thumbnail cache as specified by the Thumbnail managing standard by Jens Finke and Olivier Sessink.

    I don’t know of a official procedure other than filing a bug on, so at first I tried to get in touch with people like David Faure (KDE), Christian Kellner (Nautilus), Rob Taylor (DBus, Telepathy, Wizbit) and later also a few mass discussions on #kde-devel, #nautilus and #gnome-hackers.

    I started a discussion on xdg-list which made me conclude that such a DBus API would indeed make sense for a lot of people. Discussions with individuals on IRC added to that feeling. I started a draft of a first specification for a DBus API.

    Meanwhile I had already started adapting the hildon-thumbnail code to become more service-like. Right now that code has a DBus daemon that implements the draft DBus API and on top of that provides the possibility to have dynamically loadable plugins. The specification also allows registering thumbnailers per MIME type. For that reason I made it possible to run those dynamically loadable plugins both standalone and in-process of the generic thumbnailer.

    It has been my prototype for testing the DBus API specification that I was writing. People told me that if you want to make a specification that’ll get accepted, the best way is to write a prototype too. Meanwhile Rob Taylor had joined me on fine tuning the specification itself. With his DBus experience he helped me a lot in multiple areas. Thanks for caring, Rob!

    The current prototype does not yet make it possible to simply drop-in a thumbnailer binary to add support for a new MIME type. By making a standalone thumbnailer that for being a thumbnailer simply launches external thumbnailers you could of course add that possibility that a lot of current thumbnail-infrastructure has. Although as mentioned above I don’t think this is a good architecture (the fork() + execv() troubles), I plan to make such a standalone plug-in thumbnailer.

    I certainly hope that this specification will be approved by the community. I can help with making patches for Konqueror and Nautilus. We’ll most likely use this on the Maemo platform for thumbnailing ourselves.