Reporting busy status

We’re nearing our first release since very long, so I’ll do another technical blog post about Tracker ;)

When the RDF store is replaying its journal at startup and when the RDF store is restoring a backup it can be in busy state. This means that we can’t handle your DBus requests during that time; your DBus method will be returned late.

Because that’s not very nice from a UI perspective (the uh, what is going on?? -syndrome kicks in) we’re adding a signal emission that emits the progression and status. You can also ask it using DBus methods GetProgress and GetStatus.

The miners already had something like this, so I kept the API more or less the same.

signal sender=:1.99 -> dest=(null destination) serial=1454
  interface=org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Status; member=Progress
   string "Journal replaying"
   double 0.197824
signal sender=:1.99 -> dest=(null destination) serial=1455
  interface=org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Status; member=Progress
   string "Journal replaying"
   double 0.698153

Jürg just reviewed the SPARQL regex performance improvement of yesterday, so that’s now in master. If you want this busy status notifying today already you can test with the busy-notifications branch.

Performance improvements for SPARQL’s regex in Tracker

The original SPARQL regex support of Tracker is using a custom SQLite function. But of course back when we wrote it we didn’t yet think much about optimizing. As a result, we were using g_regex_match_simple which of course recompiles the regular expression each time.

Today Jürg and me found out about sqlite3_get_auxdata and sqlite3_set_auxdata which allows us to cache a compiled value for a specific custom SQLite function for the duration of the query.

This is much better:

static void
function_sparql_regex (sqlite3_context *context,
                       int              argc,
                       sqlite3_value   *argv[])
  gboolean ret;
  const gchar *text, *pattern, *flags;
  GRegexCompileFlags regex_flags;
  GRegex *regex;

  if (argc != 3) {
    sqlite3_result_error (context, "Invalid argument count", -1);

  regex = sqlite3_get_auxdata (context, 1);
  text = sqlite3_value_text (argv[0]);
  flags = sqlite3_value_text (argv[2]);
  if (regex == NULL) {
    gchar *err_str;
    GError *error = NULL;
    pattern = sqlite3_value_text (argv[1]);
    regex_flags = 0;
    while (*flags) {
      switch (*flags) {
      case 's': regex_flags |= G_REGEX_DOTALL; break;
      case 'm': regex_flags |= G_REGEX_MULTILINE; break;
      case 'i': regex_flags |= G_REGEX_CASELESS; break;
      case 'x': regex_flags |= G_REGEX_EXTENDED; break;
        err_str = g_strdup_printf ("Invalid SPARQL regex flag '%c'", *flags);
        sqlite3_result_error (context, err_str, -1);
        g_free (err_str);
    regex = g_regex_new (pattern, regex_flags, 0, &error);
    if (error) {
      sqlite3_result_error (context, error->message, error->code);
      g_clear_error (&error);
    sqlite3_set_auxdata (context, 1, regex, (void (*) (void*)) g_regex_unref);
  ret = g_regex_match (regex, text, 0, NULL);
  sqlite3_result_int (context, ret);

Before (this was a test on a huge amount of resources):

$ time tracker-sparql -q "select ?u { ?u a rdfs:Resource . FILTER (regex(?u, '^titl', 'i')) }"
real	0m3.337s
user	0m0.004s
sys	0m0.008s


$ time tracker-sparql -q "select ?u { ?u a rdfs:Resource . FILTER (regex(?u, '^titl', 'i')) }"
real	0m1.887s
user	0m0.008s
sys	0m0.008s

This will hit Tracker’s master today or tomorrow.